Alexander Pisch

Dr. Alexander Pisch is CNRS Research Director in the Thermodynamics and Process Optimisation group (TOP) at Laboratoire SIMaP in Grenoble, France. He holds a Master in Physics from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT (Germany), a PhD and a Habilitation in Materials Science from Grenoble INP (France). In addition to his academic career, he spent 10 years at the Lafarge R&D centre in Isle d’Abeau (France, now Holcim Innovation Center) from 2007 to 2017 as a Senior research engineer, Project leader for clinker development & optimisation as well as leader of the Process & Environment group. In the last 15 years, his research focuses on the development of novel low CO2 building materials using a coupled approach of DFT calculations, Calphad modeling and state of the art experimental work.