CONTRABASS work plan comprises 7 work packages (WP)
The O1 associated to WP1 aims to learn the fundamental carbonation mechanisms of the clinker components, specially calcium aluminates. For that, DC1, DC2 and DC3 projects will be combined.
The O2 associated to WP2 is to understand the carbonation processes of the cement paste, the C-(A)-S-H gel, and the cement paste as a whole. DC4, DC5 and DC6 projects will work for this purpose.
The O3 linked to WP3 aims to determine the factors and conditions that control CaCO3 polymorphism and nucleation and growth rates, with focus on the effect of the common species in cement pore solution (silicates, aluminates, Mg, sulphate) that can enter into CaCO3 crystalline structure. DC7, DC8 and DC9 projects will work for this purpose.
It will address the whole process for the recruitment of the 10 DCs, such as the advertising of the DC positions, the short-listing of candidates and the organisation of the interviews, to make offers and award contracts.
Within it the residential schools and discussion workshops will be developed, as well as the impact and outreach activities that each of the DC have to implement. The industrial secondments are also covered.
The O5 linked to WP6 aims to understand the interaction between society and CCCs, and seek for effective communication strategies.
This WP is dedicated to provide efficient and comprehesive project management.