Paivo Kinnunen

DCUK9 External supervisor.
Host secondments DC4, DC5 and DCUK10.
Paivo Kinnunen holds a BSc degree in Physics from the University of Turku (2007, Turku, Finland), and a PhD degree in Applied Physics from the University of Michigan (2011, Ann Arbor, US). Currently he is a tenured professor and principal investigator of Magnesia-based Materials and Systems research group at the Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit (University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland). His research is concentrating on CO2 utilization/storage as well as on developing novel cementitious binders. He chairs RILEM TC on Magnesia-based cements (MBC) as well as a research hub on inorganic circular economy (InStreams). He is author of >120 papers in international journals, and h-index of 35.